Philosophy and Theology Philosophy and Theology at Bromley combines the study of the philosophy of religion, the examination of world religions and ethics and is a subject recognised for its analytical and critical skills.  The idea is not to adopt any particular faith perspective but, through study and debate, to engage with these fascinating and fundamental questions that broaden the view and enrich the lives of the individual.

“The highest activity a human being can attain is learning for understanding, because to understand is to be free.”Baruch Spinoza

A level

At A level, the Department follows the OCR Religious Studies course, which includes papers in Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Religious Thoughts. These areas include the study of ancient philosophical influences, ethical theories such as Utilitarianism and gender and society. The skills developed through this course are those that employers and universities value most: those of analysis, textual criticism, empathy and an ability to clearly express one’s own opinion in order to persuade others of your point of view.


The Philosophy and Theology Department has close links with the Christian, Hindu and Muslim communities which allows for trips and guest speakers to expand on upon the curriculum.  We also have speakers from other walks of life such as medicine and the military who share their knowledge.  Trips to the theatre and museums when topical subjects are addressed are also included.