We believe that the pastoral care of each individual in the school is of greatest importance, and we provide an outstanding supportive and caring pastoral system.
Our ethos fosters social responsibility and spiritual values: we encourage every girl to promote the happiness and wellbeing of fellow pupils. We work in partnership with parents, support staff and other professionals to promote and safeguard the health, welfare and safety of the girls in our care.
Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) & RSE
PSHE education is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which pupils acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and prepare them for life beyond school and their responsibilities in the wider world.
The PSHE education programme at Bromley High School contributes to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, their behaviour and safety and the school’s statutory responsibility to promote pupils’ wellbeing. Pupils are encouraged to understand and respect who they are, demonstrate respect for others and are empowered with a voice. The PSHE programme includes the statutory Relationships, Sex and Health Education (hereafter, RSE).
RSE teaching is evidence-based, age-appropriate and complies with the relevant provisions of the Equality Act 2010. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
PSHE education equips pupils with the knowledge and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. Consultation with parents and guardians on our PSHE and RSE curricula ensures a strong home-school partnership for these important of issues.
The overarching aim for PSHE education is to provide pupils with:
- Accurate and relevant knowledge
- Opportunities to turn that knowledge into personal understanding
- Opportunities to explore, clarify and if necessary, challenge, their own and others’ values, attitudes, beliefs, rights and responsibilities
- The skills and strategies they need in order to live healthy, safe, fulfilling, responsible and balanced lives.
We have a programme of study for Years 7, 8, and 9 which draws from the PSHE Association suggested scheme of work. Pupil voice is integral to PSHE and we survey the pupils and ask for feedback to ensure our programme is relevant and appropriate.
In addition, Years 10 and 11, Careers Education and Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) are primarily delivered through a fortnightly Life Skills lesson.
All pupils have one period of PSHE per fortnight which is supplemented by homework, assessment, external speakers and activities completed in tutor time during a dedicated PSHE tutor period. Every tutor group coordinates a form assembly dedicated to a key PSHE theme.
The RSE policy is available on the Policies page.
Mental Wellbeing: Mind, Body & Spirit
At Bromley High School we are committed to promoting resilience and positive well-being for our pupils and staff.
We understand that ‘wellbeing’ means a state of being comfortable, psychologically safe, healthy and content emotionally and physically. We will work to ensure that mental health and wellbeing is everyone’s business across the whole school community and will strive to create an environment where excellent mental health and wellbeing support, understanding and intervention are part of our ongoing care and safeguarding provision. We will put wellbeing at the heart of the school to ensure successful learning and commit to policies.
We pride ourselves on knowing each girl well and treating our students as individuals. We ensure that pupils are happy and healthy – in mind, body and spirit – in order to reach their full potential.
Technological advances have changed the way we communicate, and to ensure positive mental health we need to create opportunities to have an open and honest dialogue with our pupils. Communication is key to good mental health and the school hosts a lunchtime Wellbeing Hub which is run by our Senior School Pastoral Prefects. The space provides an opportunity for younger pupils to speak to older pupils about their minor worries or concerns in a safe and undivided environment.
We are very proud to have been awarded the Wellbeing Award for Schools (2021) and this reflects how seriously we take the mental health and wellbeing of our school community. Our Wellbeing Week programme promotes the mental health of our pupils and embodies the mind, body and spirit philosophy through self-care activities and opportunities for pupils to connect, give, create, get active and have fun. The mind and body work in tandem so pupils are encouraged to move regularly to think clearly. In addition to the extensive co-curricular programme, pupils can enjoy a brisk walk across our 25-acre site, armchair yoga, salsa dancing or a spot of gardening.
Our school counsellor runs half termly sessions on key wellbeing issues to support pupil mental health and pupil lead assemblies encourage the girls to think on poignant issues. The regular charity fundraising keeps the girls open minded and considerate of others.
Our commitment to Fundamental British Values is underpinned by our diverse curriculum which prepares our girls for lifelong education in modern Britain. We engage with important dates in British culture including Black History Month, International Women’s Day, Neurodiversity Week, Remembrance and Diwali. Belonging Week highlights our undivided community where our school stands side by side to celebrate the range of heritages that we have in school.
The Pastoral Team is overseen by Mrs Hathway – Deputy Head Pastoral.
School Counsellor
We have a professional counsellor to help pupils with any problems they might have. Counselling is an opportunity to talk in confidence to a qualified professional about any issues or concerns.
Counselling works with a definition called ‘Gillick Competency’, which is a way of deciding when a young person is old enough to make decisions for themselves about their lives. This is an individual decision based on how well you understand what counselling is and the consequences of not telling your parents. Counselling works best when pupils are able to tell their parents and they can support their child.
Common issues raised in counselling include anxiety, stress, relationships, loss and traumatic events but anything that is a concern can be discussed. The counsellor will help pupils to look at their choices and encourage them to make their own decisions. Counselling is confidential; what is discussed with the counsellor is not repeated to others without the pupil’s permission unless there are very serious concerns about the safety of the pupil or another pupil.
The school counsellor offers a drop-in session during the lunchtime for pupils to ask any questions they may have about how counselling works.
Student Leadership
Student leadership is key to our undivided principal, giving pupils a sense of belonging which is integral to wellbeing and fostering self-confidence and a spirit of service.
Student voice is embedded throughout the school and our girls are forward-thinking with a strong social conscience. This begins with the first step; taking a position of responsibility in Year 7 as a form or charity representative.
We have a variety of leadership roles; Pupil Voice Champions who are part of the Steering group which works to shape the pupil experience in school. Form Captains represent each form at school council meetings and contribute their ideas about how the school could be improved. Our House system forges an even greater sense of community, collegiality, drive and shared values.
In the Sixth Form, student leadership is at the pinnacle of the school. Roles include Head Girl or a member of the Head Girl Team, Subject or Pastoral Prefect, Diversity Committee Lead and House Captain. All of these opportunities enable our pupils to develop into confident young women who we are prepared for life beyond school, to seize senior positions of responsibility in society, close the gender gap and make the world a better place.
Every pupil and staff member at Bromley High School is assigned to a house. The Senior School houses are Elmfield, Fernbank, Oakdene, and Speldhurst, named after roads near the School’s original site.
The school calendar features six main events: the Colour Fun Run, Christmas Karaoke, House Shout, Bromley’s Got Talent, Quad Games, and Sports Day. These events, open to the entire school community, provide opportunities to raise money for charity, collaborate with different year groups, and showcase talents in a social and respectful manner. House captains and their deputies, who serve from February in Year 12 for a full academic year, foster enthusiasm and encourage participation, boosting self-esteem through risk-taking.
Additionally, the House Team, in collaboration with Heads of Departments, offers a variety of optional events throughout the academic year, covering languages, humanities, and sciences.
“I enjoy performing with or in front of my friends at House events. I feel hugely encouraged, enjoy the feedback and even get to speak with pupils in other years.”Emily, Year 8 pupil
Our Pastoral Dog
Brontë is a Labrador Cocker Spaniel cross, and joined the school in 2022.
Brontë brings a fun, warm and comforting presence in the Pastoral Team. Our pupils often have the opportunity to walk with Brontë through our extensive grounds.
Working in partnership with our new catering supplier Thomas Franks, we are committed to providing our girls with well-balanced meals that give them the nutrients they need to learn and develop. Our freshly prepared food is filled with nutritious ingredients, instilling positive food habits that will last for a lifetime.
"Pupils are kind and respectful of each other. They value the racial and ethnic diversity within the school, show respect for neurodiversity and appreciate their own and other cultures."