“Cogito, ergo sum” (I think therefore I am)Rene Descartes

Philosophy and Theology at Bromley combines the study of the  philosophy of religion, the examination of world religions and ethics and is a subject recognised for its analytical and critical skills.

The idea is not to adopt any particular faith perspective but, through study and debate, to engage with these fascinating and fundamental questions that broaden the view and enrich the lives of the individual.

Years 7 - 9

Pupils are introduced to the study of philosophy together with the beliefs, teachings and practices of Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam in Years 7 and 8. Through this they develop their skills of evaluation, critical thinking and evaluation. In Year 9 the curriculum moves on to Philosophy of Religion, covering the problem of evil and suffering and the nature of God.


At GCSE, pupils continue their study of Buddhism and Christianity beliefs and practices. They then use this knowledge, together with that of non-religious communities, to consider differing responses to contemporary ethical issues such as that of relationships and family. The evaluative skills developed during years 7-9 will continue to be honed through the examination of these areas of religion and ethics as well as the philosophical arguments for and against the existence of God and the nature of revelation.