Fifty-eight Year 9 pupils embarked on a poignant journey to the battlefields of the First World War, perfectly timed to align with Remembrance Day.
The trip served as a powerful extension of their in-depth study of the Great War in their Year 9 History curriculum, allowing them to connect with history in a deeply meaningful way.
The experience proved to be both captivating and educational, enriching the pupils’ historical understanding while fostering connections across various subjects; beyond History, the trip resonated with Art, Philosophy & Theology, PSHE, and Modern Foreign Languages.
The itinerary included significant sites such as Croonaert Wood, the “In Flanders Fields” Museum, Langemark Cemetery, the Menin Gate with its Last Post Ceremony, the Sanctuary Wood Hill 62 Museum, Tyne Cot British Cemetery, and St George’s Memorial Church.
These visits not only enriched the students’ historical awareness but also instilled a profound sense of remembrance and respect for those who sacrificed their lives during the First World War.