Last Friday, Year 9 pupils embarked on a teambuilding and rewards trip to Go Ape, creating lasting memories and celebrating the end of their exams. 

Go Ape proved to be an incredibly enjoyable experience, offering a delightful conclusion to their exams. Bathed in glorious sunshine, the students had the opportunity to enhance their teambuilding skills. As they eagerly awaited their turn on the course, they engaged in friendly games of volleyball and football. The course itself presented a thrilling challenge, but the immense fun derived from conquering it overshadowed any difficulties. Undoubtedly, the highlight of the course was the exhilarating long zip line at the end – an unforgettable rush of adrenaline.

“My favourite part of the day was cheering on our friends and teachers from below as they completed the challenge. After lunch we got to have a nice ice cream to cool us down from all the fun. I made a lot of good memories and hope to go again!”Fergie, Year 9 pupil