At Bromley High School we encourage pupils to be kind, not only to others, but to themselves. Self-care is integral to mental health and wellbeing. As part of our drive to improve the positive impact on pupil wellbeing we have introduced Wellbeing Week, which will take place each half-term.

Our third Wellbeing Week Keep Calm & be POSITIVE, focused on the GDST Positive School’s Programme and Children’s Mental Health Week’s theme Let’s connect.

In the spirit of our big sister ethos, the Sixth Form Pastoral Prefects compiled a programme of self-care, fun and connecting activities that took place throughout the week.

The Positive programme is firmly rooted in neuroscience and built upon years of research to help pupils recognise and regulate emotional behaviours, including worry. With an emphasis on understanding how the mind interacts with the emotions, the programme helps students adapt to change, develop greater mental resilience and embrace challenge, both at school and in the wider world.