Our Sixth Form Psychology pupils were given a lesson in parenthood, taking care of their own flour babies for two weeks.

Pupils were responsible for the 24/7 care of the babies for two weeks, considering key themes relating to the process of attachment. The pupils not only brought their flour babies to school, they also took them on many adventures including days out to London, library visits and Costa coffee trips. The flour babies were a hit with many students outside of the Psychology classes and with many of the staff too!

Whilst some pupils may be glad to be free of the burden of care, there’s no doubt the flour babies have had an impact and inspired the pupils to learn more for their attachment topic.

“Although Wilhelm was only a bag of flour so the attachment could not be reciprocated, I still felt attached!”Year 12 Psychology student

“The lack of responsiveness made it difficult to form any type of attachment to Delilah as I felt that whatever I did wouldn’t make a difference to her.”Year 12 Psychology student

“Marvin and I formed an avoidant relationship… at times I neglected him, when I was busy doing my homework.”Year 12 Psychology student