Every year we are proud to take our Year 5 and 6 Junior School pupils on a fully immersive day trip to London’s Globe Theatre to complement their English studies of Macbeth in the spring term.  With lockdown this year, we’re delighted that girls took part in an exciting virtual tour of the theatre,  giving them the opportunity to understand what theatre was like in Shakespeare’s time and how an audience might have experienced the play.

Year 5 pupils on the virtual tour

The girls also enjoyed a practical interactive online workshop on Macbeth. Using a range of activities and games designed to draw out elements of the play’s language, characters and themes, the session helped them dive into the world of Shakespeare’s spine-chilling tale.

Year 6 pupils enjoying the interactive workshop on Macbeth


“I learnt about the history behind The Globe and how to exaggerate while acting. It was so fun.” Mariana, Year 6 

“I really enjoyed learning how to emphasise my voice in acting.”Zoha, Year 5

Last month our Junior School pupils enjoyed a live interactive performance of The Winter’s Tale, as part of a GDST Globe project.  The project will continue throughout Spring with The Tempest, adapted for girls in Reception and Years 1 and 2, and a retelling of Henry V for Years 4, 5 and 6.