Celebrating athleticism and friendly competition, the Senior School Sports Day brought together students for a day of exciting sporting events and team spirit.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the relay races, where teams from Years 7 to 12 gave their all to secure victory. The races showcased the girls’ impressive teamwork and communication skills, demonstrating that Bromley High School girls possess these qualities in abundance.

A special mention goes to Oakdene, the winning house of the day!

Congratulations to all the girls who participated in the event, as their dedication and efforts made the day a memorable success. Well done to everyone involved!

“We were extremely happy to see every year group working together and cheering each other on. The positive spirit, kindness and determination from all the girls filled us with so much joy and made the overall win feel so much more worthwhile.”Sofia-Plum & Daisy, Oakdene House Captains