Following the series of devastating earthquakes that hit southern Turkey and north-west Syria, Senior School pupils have raised £1,126 to help the cause.
Senior pupils raised £927 for the Turkey and Syria earthquake appeal through a brownie raffle where parents donated between £5 and £25 for a raffle ticket. 10 winning raffle tickets were drawn with each winner receiving a box of brownies.
Year 10 and 11 pupils also organised a bake sale which raised £199 for the earthquake appeal.
A huge thank you to the Bromley High community for donating generously and to our wonderful pupils for organising these fundraising initiatives.
“The earthquakes in Syria and Turkey were devastating and we felt it was important to take action to help those in need. We are grateful for the support and help we have received from the school and hope that we can make a positive impact.”Sofia, Year 11 pupil