On Saturday 24th October we set the clocks back an hour and summer time ended. Road traffic collisions increase by 20% in the fortnight after the time change. Sadly, some of those collisions will involve child pedestrians and cyclists. Children under 16 are one of the most vulnerable groups of road users.

The latest available government statistics (2015)* show that 58% of children who die or are seriously injured in a road collision are involved in incidents between 3 and 7pm. Many of those happen in darkness.

Whilst younger children are at risk, the data shows that 11 – 15 year olds are actually at more at risk from accidents that kill or result in serious injury.

The resources below will help remind children, especially teenagers, about road safety and safe cycling.  We encourage all parents and carers to take a look at the resources with their children.

Teaching Road Safety: A Guide for Parents

Safety First – Cycling at Night

Road safety teaching resources for children

Keeping children safe during lockdown and beyond – Parents’ pack

Facts on Child Casualties (June 2015)