Two Year 9 pupils had the incredible opportunity to attend the GDST EDI (Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion) Forum at the Trust Office in London, where they participated in an engaging diversity workshop.

Throughout the day, Kayleigh and Afsha worked alongside students from other GDST schools, sharing ideas and fostering new connections. The workshop began with table discussions about the meaning of diversity and its importance in schools and society. One of the tasks involved writing down influential celebrities who are making a positive impact, sparking thought-provoking conversations about representation.

A standout moment of the day was when the group worked together to design a shield, accompanied by a tagline, reflecting their beliefs, the groups they supported, and how they communicated their values. A key theme of the day was equity, which recognises that each individual has different circumstances and needs, and allocates resources accordingly for equal outcomes – a concept distinct from equality, which treats everyone the same.

The workshop concluded with students preparing and presenting speeches about diversity, providing a platform to express their ideas confidently.

“This workshop was particularly exciting as it gave us the chance to express our ideas for the GDST schools clearly and confidently. It was inspiring to see everyone working together and sharing different viewpoints on how we can make a change for the better.”Kayleigh & Afsha, Year 9 pupils

Overall, the day was a valuable learning experience, highlighting the importance of diversity and teamwork in shaping a more inclusive world.