Earlier this month, our Sixth Form Classicists attended an online Oxford University Conversation with Dr Armand D’Angour, Professor of Classics at Jesus College. 

Dr D’Angour discussed the importance of music within Greek theatre, reflecting his current research interests at Oxford University. His observations on the impact of musical instruments and modes within the theatrical experience was particularly interesting. In his research, he uses remaining fragments of plays to decipher common melodies and lyrics used in ancient Greek music.

He went on to talk about the importance and prestige of being a chorus member, and how their presence gradually dissolved over time. Culture today is still influenced by Greek theatre from the use of the orchestra and accompanied music, through to musicals and opera, which still use a chorus.

“Overall, the conversation was highly informative and enjoyable, and we hope to keep in touch with Oxford in the future.” Maya Tucker, Year 12 pupil