We are delighted to introduce our new Junior School House Captain team for the second half of the year. 

Each House is led by a team of Captains from Year 6, who are democratically elected twice a year by all the girls from Reception upwards.

The girls worked incredibly hard to deliver fantastic speeches to the school. They were elected to represent their House in a variety of events across the rest of this academic year.

We have four Houses in the Junior School which are named after inspirational females; Malala Yousufzai, Elizabeth Windsor, Malorie Blackman and Amelia Earhart. Our House system encourages a broad social life across forms and year groups, as younger pupils come under the care of older and more experienced pupils.

Read more about our House Captain team below.

Malala Yousufzai


Favourite subject: My favourite subject is PE because you learn how to play new sports and get to play outside.

Best memory: All of the residentials, because I really bonded with my friends and faced some of my greatest fears.

Future aspirations: I would like to be a musician or actor because I love music and acting!




Favourite subject: I like all subjects, but my favourites would be English, History, and Library sessions.

Best memory: My best memories are all of the residentials and having a great time with my friends.

Future aspirations: I either want to be a competitive swimmer or an astronomer.




Favourite subject: My favourite subject is History.

Best memory: When I joined Bromley High School in Reception, as everything and everyone was so interesting and friendly.

Future aspirations: I would like to become a doctor and help save lives.


Elizabeth Windsor


Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are History, English and PE.

Best memory: When I became House Captain and Mrs Voice was my class and acro teacher.

Future aspirations: I would like to be a historian or a regional geographer.



Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are Drama and Art.

Best memories: My best memory at school was when I received my House Captain badge in assembly.

Future aspirations: When I grow up, I want to be an actor or a fashion designer.



Favourite subject: My favourite subject is Food Technology.

Best memory: Hindleap Warren (our Year 5 Residential Trip), where my friend and I were levitating on the Pentagon Tower.

Future aspirations: I would like to be an interior designer or an author.

Malorie Blackman

Ella – Head Girl

Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are English and PE.

Best memory: I have so many…probably becoming Head Girl.

Future aspirations: I would like to travel the world.




Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are Art and PE.

Best memory: I loved Victorian Day as it was really fun!

Future aspirations: I would like to be an artist or a famous guitarist.



Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are English and DT.

Best memory: My best memory at Bromley High so far was when another Year 6 and I sang together in front of our whole year (without any practice).

Future aspirations: My future aspiration is to be either an architect or an insurance broker. I love angles, so interior design feels like a perfect fit!


Amelia Earhart


Favourite subject: My favourite subject is PE because you learn how to play new sports and get to play outside.

Best memory: My best memory at Bromley High School was going to PGL in Year 5 with all of my friends.

Future aspirations: In the future, I would love to be a sports person or an inventor.



Favourite subject: My favourite subject is Dance because it is a fun way to express yourself.

Best memory: When I found out Mrs Voice was going to be my Year 6 teacher.

Future aspirations: I would like to become a famous dancer and dance worldwide in front of millions of people.




Favourite subject: My favourite subjects are Mathematics and PE.

Best memory: Year 6 Secret Santa and being with my friends all day.

Future aspirations: An actress on The West End Stage!