We are proud to introduce our new Head Girl team lead by Hannah B and her deputies Aimee and Hannah P.

All our Sixth Formers are exceptional role models and it is more difficult each year to select just a few of these impressive young women to act as Senior Prefects.

Hannah B – Head Girl

Studying: English, French, History

Aspirations/Interests: Whatever I do in life and wherever I go, I want to make an impact. Currently, some of my favourite pastimes are teaching at my local Synagogue, as well as doing yoga and reading. My dream in life is to explore different cultures around the world, bettering the lives of others as I travel. In the future, I am considering doing a degree in History and French, and working in the sectors of education, Law or diplomacy.

As Head Girl, I would like to ensure everyone feels supported and confident enough in the school community to achieve their ambitions!

Favourite quote: “Feel the fear and do it anyway.”


Aimee – Deputy Head Girl

Studying: Computer Science, Maths, Latin

Aspirations/Interests: In the future I aim to study Computer Science at university, with some focus on game design or visual computing because gaming has always been something I enjoy and I would love to learn more about. Further into my career I would like to run my own company in either game development or software engineering as I’ve always had an interest in those two areas.

I love being able to make new friends and learn more about people so I hope to be able to make new friends with students in every year while I’m on the team as well as help others who want to make a change but don’t know where to start.

“If my mind can conceive it, if my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.”Muhammad Ali


Hannah P – Deputy Head Girl

Studying: Business, Psychology, Geography

Aspirations/Interests: I have always been interested in the way businesses work and I would like to do a degree or a degree apprenticeship in Business and Social Media Marketing in the future. I would love to run a business when I am older. For as long as I can remember, I have always had a passion for dance and gymnastics, performing in shows and competitions, in and outside of school. In my spare time, I enjoy working as a gymnastics coach where I have had the opportunity to guide and inspire young people; It has taught me leadership and communication skills alongside making amazing friends.

As part of the Head Girl Team, I aim to help the school come together as a more sociable and happy community and be an inspiration and a role model to all girls in every year.

“It’s not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”Vivian Greene

Sophie – Senior Prefect Head Girl Team

Studying: History, Politics, Design & Technology

Aspirations/Interests: I finish Sixth Form, I would like to study History at university as I enjoy studying the past and understanding events from a multitude of perspectives and evaluating them. History has always played alongside my love of debate as the skills I learn in one can be applied to the other to keep developing my skill set.

Outside of school I love learning new activities that allow me to clear my head, my two favourite hobbies are playing the guitar and climbing. As part of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh, I am working towards achieving a level three NICAS award in climbing and bouldering, which is not only tonnes of fun but it has also allowed me to meet lots of other likeminded people outside of school.

As a part of the Head Girl Team, I hope to be somebody that younger girls in the school can look up to and talk to if they need support.

“Believe you can and you’re halfway there”Theodore Roosevelt

Isabel – Senior Prefect Head Girl Team

Studying: Spanish, History and Business

Aspirations/Interests: I always have my head stuck in a history book on the World Wars, keeping an ear out for conversations in Spanish or reading up on new innovated business ventures. I recently took part in the GDST Lead Enterprise, where my team and I came up with a business idea to present at the LSE.I really enjoyed the event and it filled me with excitement to carry on studying business. I have always loved languages and grew very fond of Spanish at a young age, where culture and customs are different to England, and so I hope to study Spanish and a form of Business at University. History documentaries sound like a perfect movie night for me, where I can find out even more about past time. I enjoy working out and keeping a balance in my social life as friendship is very important to me. I hope to be a friendly face to my peers here at school and create a strong support system for us all.

Favourite quote: “if you dream it, you can do it.”


Anjana – Senior Prefect Head Girl Team

Studying: Maths, Physics, Economics, Latin

Aspirations/Interests: I intend to study either Accounting or Economics at university to then enter into finance. Outside of school, I love dancing (Bharatanatyam) and playing the veena with my friends. As part of my Gold Duke of Edinburgh award, I volunteer at Scope, a charity shop promoting disability equality.

I am delighted to be part of this year’s Head Girl Team and look forward to contributing ideas with the rest of the team for future purposes.

“You never fail until you stop trying.”Albert Einstein


Amelia – Senior Prefect Head Girl Team

Studying: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Geography.

Aspirations/Interests: My aspiration is to study Medicine at university, and become an A & E doctor. I’ve always been attracted to helping others and currently volunteer at the PRUH on the geriatric surgical ward as well as a local centre for children with life limiting disabilities.

Among my many interests is music and playing my viola, I am a part of many ensembles within and outside school ranging from being one half of a duo to playing with 100+ musicians in a full sized symphony orchestra. Music allows me to meet lots of new people beyond my subject class friends and provides a great out of school social life. One of the highlights was going on tour with the Bromley Youth Chamber Orchestra and playing Bach underneath a statue of the composer himself.

“Anything worth having, doesn’t come easy.” Theodore Roosevelt


Joan – Senior Prefect Head Girl Team

Studying: Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Drama

Aspirations/Interests: I am aiming to study Medicine at university. Outside of school, I am a boxer, I play rugby, I love singing, acting and I am unhealthily obsessed with reading. I love sports and working out as it makes me feel like a powerful and unstoppable woman. I love to read because as allows me to become engrossed in different worlds. Singing and acting allow me to convey different emotions that you don’t necessarily experience every day.

As part of the Head Girl Team, I hope to inspire girls in the school to feel as if they’re free to do whatever they want to do in life.

“We must be our own before we can be another’s“Ralph Waldo Emerson