Bromley High Junior School took part in the UK Hour of Code last month, as part of Computer Science Week. The UK Hour of Code aims to help demystify coding and to enable parents, teachers and students across the nation have a fun introduction to coding.
It was a pleasure to welcome so many pupils from Year 3 to Year 6 and their parents to the Junior Computing suite for the Hour of Code sessions.
For many parents it was the first time they had written lines of code and for others it was a welcome opportunity to find out more about our Computing curriculum. Our Digital Leaders were on hand to support the coders.
“I had a great teacher, learning from my daughter! I am so proud to see how much the girls know.”
During the week’s computing lessons the entire Junior school took part in coding activities; from Reception using BeeBots to send Father Christmas to the North Pole, to the older girls creating their own dance party.
“Today I experienced coding for the first time. I felt it was not as scary or as hard as I first thought!”Parent