The GCSE PE groups embarked on an exhilarating two-day adventure at ‘The Reach,’ delving into the world of climbing.
Day one kicked off with essential lessons on harness donning and knot-tying techniques. As the day progressed, they put theory into practice by tackling easier routes and mastering the art of belaying their climbing partners. Surprisingly, by the day’s end, the girls were already providing exceptional support and coaching to conquer more challenging climbs.
Day two introduced a competitive edge to the experience. The girls faced the daunting task of completing three climbs within a tight 60-minute window. Despite the physical fatigue from the previous day’s climbing, their determination and mental fortitude shone through as they conquered the competition.
The group’s journey at ‘The Reach’ was not just about physical prowess but also about teamwork, pushing limits, and learning new skills. It was a fantastic adventure that united them in overcoming challenges and discovering their true potential.