This summer, Bromley High School pupils embarked on a 24-hour journey to the tropical island of Borneo for a Global Action Sustainability Trip.
After arriving in the capital, Kota Kinabalu, the group rested briefly before diving into their adventure. Their first stop was Sepilok, where they explored the wildlife of the jungle, starting with an unforgettable night walk. One highlight was visiting the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre, where students watched orangutans at feeding time, captivated by their human-like behaviors. This experience left a lasting impression, particularly the devastating impact of palm oil plantations on the orangutan’s habitat, prompting the group to become more mindful of their consumption habits.
From there, the students crossed crocodile-infested waters to Kampung Bilet, where they stayed with local families. Focusing on sustainability, they prepared and planted 375 seedlings to help restore habitats destroyed by deforestation. Despite a tropical downpour, they planted 22 trees, contributing to reforesting the area and supporting local wildlife. The group also learned traditional methods of making fish traps for the community elders, further immersing themselves in local customs and sustainable practices.
At their second homestay, environmental conservation was a key theme. The students constructed hornbill boxes to help protect Borneo’s endangered bird species and raise awareness of the importance of wildlife preservation.
“I speak on everyone’s behalf when I say Borneo was a truly unique experience and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that will remain memorable for each one of us. Among all the fond memories we made, the most important takeaway was realizing how precious our ecosystems are and how destructive human activity can be. We have returned feeling empowered to spread awareness and make a difference in our future to protect our fragile natural world.”Edie, Year 13 pupil
This once-in-a-lifetime journey truly empowered them to spread awareness and make a difference in the future.