Pupils from Years 1 and 2 met Professor Trice and AI the Robot in an exciting virtual Eco Coding show earlier this week.

The partnership between GDST and Get with the Program enabled our youngest girls to take part in a Junior Techathon, designed to support their learning of coding concepts, while at the same time learning about waste reduction and recycling.

Following on from the event, the girls were encouraged to use resources readily found at home to navigate a grid and plan shopping algorithms! The concept of planning algorithms has been continued through their computing lessons and they have continued their research into ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.

“The Eco-Coding show gave a wonderful opportunity for our youngest learners to engage with computing concepts in a fun and relevant way. Understanding how algorithms are a part of our everyday lives helps to demystify the concept from a young age.
I know the girls will have enjoyed applying their algorithms to an environmental problem, to encourage reducing packaging and recycling materials.”Mrs Sam Shallcross, Head of Junior Computing

“I enjoyed the part where AL the Robot went shopping and thought about the 4 Rs” Ria, Year 2

“I really enjoyed working out the algorithm to move the shopping trolley and I can still repeat the rhyme – Robot, robot go go go, follow your algorithm, don’t be slow!” Grace, Year 2 (pictured below)

Grace, Year 2