As part of our developing PSHE programme and in direct response to pupil voice, we welcomed speakers from It Happens Education to talk to pupils in Years 9, 10 and 11.
It Happens Education is a team of RSHE specialists with extensive professional experience which supports hundreds of schools across the UK.
Year 9 pupils considered the unrealistic expectations of pornography, alongside the legal side of pornography. They also discussed the importance of relationships and consent with regard to the sharing of nudes and semi-nudes. The talk finished with clear references about where to access help.
Year 10 pupils talked about intimate relationships, with a strong emphasis on digital relationships. They reflected on the choices that people make about becoming sexually active and revisited the language associated with consent.
The Year 11 talk had a strong focus on fun, freedom and safety at festivals and events, with details about how the adolescent brain works in regard to risk taking. They learned about harm reduction and how to ask for help if things go wrong.
“It’s important to remind your friends you have their back, and teach people about this so they make safe choices.” Year 9 pupil
“The talk was very informative and I understand consent better.” Year 10 pupil