Having been early adopters and regular users of Chromebooks since 2017, the school has further enhanced pupils’ education by providing individual Chromebooks for lessons and homework.
This presents an exciting opportunity to encourage an even greater, more spontaneous use of technology in lessons, thereby enhancing the quality of the pupils’ learning.
One particular advantage of the Google platform (accessible via Chromebooks) is that students can easily collaborate on group projects, share ideas, and work together on assignments. Additionally, it fosters creativity by enabling students to develop digital products and exercise greater agency over their work, thus promoting innovation and learning.
Our pioneering Year 9 pupils, the first cohort trialing the initiative, received their Chromebooks yesterday morning and were delighted to embark on this new educational journey.
“I was excited to receive my new Chromebook today and I have already used it in my philosophy and theology lessons this morning to take notes.” Ziona, Year 9 pupil
We firmly believe that providing each Year 9 pupil with their own Chromebook will significantly enhance their learning experience and cultivate essential skills, nurturing their passion for learning.