Bromley High Junior School uses a range of online tools to support teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and Early Years provision is particularly challenging. Reception teacher, Miss Sarah-Louise Dunford discusses the use of digital learning in Early Years in an interview with Discovery Education, who are responsible for the award-winning online learning platform Espresso.

Using Espresso, our teachers are able to use digital resources effectively in their online classrooms to deliver exciting and engaging lessons.

“Reception lessons are a mix of live teaching and pre-set work which we upload onto Firefly. We use literacy and mathematics activities and the videos. We also use resources for PSHE, arts, specific stories and comprehension or sequencing activities, which are both child-friendly and engaging.” Miss Sarah-Louise Dunford, Early Years

Our Early Years team teaching a live online class

 Our Early Years team teaching a live online class


In Early Years we also teach live lessons using Google Meets and share our screens.  For example, we started our new topic, Down on the Farm, and as part of this introduced the well-known book The Little Red Hen. We combined our own bespoke curriculum and lesson objectives, such as writing a letter from the characters and creating artwork, whilst using Espresso features such as story sequencing, comprehension activities and watching the storybook. We have found this has provided greater depth of understanding to inspire our girls’ home learning.