Today Bromley High School is taking part in Safer Internet Day, with this year’s theme being An Internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world.

Safer Internet Day inspires a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively.  Throughout the day, our pupils will be exploring how we can work together to question the online world, and challenge ourselves and the people and apps we interact with online, to change the internet for the better.

Year 11 pupil, Aimee will appear on ITV News to discuss digital safety. Aimee is one of our Digital Champions and is hugely involved in the Childnet Digital Leaders Programme.  Last year Aimee was invited to the House of Commons to deliver the keynote speech to MPs to raise the profile of the Childnet programme.

Aimee on ITV Regional News

In the Junior School, Mrs Sam Shallcross (Head of Junior Computing) will be presenting a morning assembly to all pupils, explaining what the day means and introducing this year’s theme.

Pupils will also be taking part in online live lessons throughout the week, exploring how trustworthy information really is online and how they can recognise clues that information might be false. They will hear stories, discuss scenarios, design their own pledges for a more trustworthy internet and be empowered to know the right action to take if something doesn’t sound right.

Pledges made by pupils for Safer Internet Day

This year, the UK Safer Internet Centre will attempt to set a Guiness World Record for the number of schools involved!  The school will encourage all pupils to make a pledge of what they will do to help create a more trustworthy internet, such as, “I will only share things I have checked are true” or “I will support my friends if fake news upsets them.”

Good luck!