On Wednesday 22nd January, Dr Catherine Smale from King’s College, London visited Bromley High School to lead a workshop on German culture and to give a talk on the appeal of languages in the global job market. In her workshop, year 10, 11 and 12 students had raised. In the after school lecture, Dr Smale spoke passionately about the wide range of benefits that learning a language can bring, both in terms of personal to think about the issue of immigration and migration in Germany, and how this has been portrayed through film in recent years. The girls were very engaged with analysing short film clips and discussing the issues development and transferrable skills, as well as in practical employment terms. She also gave the girls and guests from a visiting school (Bishop Justus) a clear insight into what it is actually like to study a language at university, as well as helpful hints about course and year abroad choices. In addition, Dr Smale was kind enough to offer her contact details to the students, so that they could ask her any questions about studying languages at KCL which might occur to them later. An interesting and exciting start to the beginning of the Minerva Lecture series this term.
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