Bromley High School’s Debating Society ventured into uncharted territory as they participated in an international debating competition – a first in the Society’s history.

Hosted over Zoom by the renowned debating organization, Debate to Educate, this competition was a grand affair that transcended time zones, bringing together students from schools worldwide. Collaboratively organized with The Mars Society, the competition revolved around the captivating theme of ‘Mars or Bust,’ delving into the ethics and practicalities of exploring the enigmatic red planet.

Nine enthusiastic Bromley students eagerly stepped up to the challenge, facing off against schools from diverse corners of the globe, including Rwanda, Bulgaria, America, and India. What made this competition even more remarkable was the opportunity for Bromley’s debaters to immerse themselves in the World Schools format, requiring teams of three to deliver more substantial, fact-based speeches.

Overall, this event not only elevated Bromley’s debating prowess on an international platform but also deepened their understanding of both the art of debate and the science of space exploration. Their impressive performance was exemplified by one of the year 10 teams – Mahi, Audrey and Ilakkiya – earning a special commendation for their outstanding performance.

“It was exciting to debate against schools from such distant parts of the world, and we enjoyed the challenge and novelty of using the Worlds Schools Format”Amin & Amy, Year 10 pupil