We are proud to be working towards Artsmark accreditation, a national award that recognises schools for their commitment to the arts and culture. At Bromley High School, creativity is central to our mission of inspiring bright minds and delivering exceptional education.

As part of this process, we have set key goals to implement over the next two years. These include integrating arts and cultural activities throughout the junior curriculum, providing staff with professional development to confidently incorporate arts-based approaches across subjects, and broadening our ‘Enrichment for All’ programme to offer more inclusive extracurricular activities. Strengthening community connections is also a priority, with plans to enhance our arts events and expand current projects and initiatives, bringing more arts sessions to the local community.

We have now submitted our Statement of Commitment to Arts Council England and are excited to begin bringing our plans to life.

What we’ve been doing so far:

In the classroom and beyond, we have already made significant progress toward the award. Here are just a few examples of the many exciting initiatives happening across the school:

Goal 1: Integrate arts and cultural activities into the curriculum.

  • Whole School Staff Inset on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: Staff engaged in professional development to promote these values throughout the curriculum.
  • Year 8 Design and Technology: Pupils are creating pewter-cast jewellery and tie-dyed pencil rolls, embedding creativity into their learning.
  • Year 9 Architecture Project: Focusing on designing sustainable education facilities, this project integrates cultural awareness and artistic design into core learning.
  • Year 3 Art and Writing: Pupils created artwork to enhance their descriptive writing skills, blending art with literacy in the curriculum.

Goal 2: Implement an ‘Enrichment for All’ program.

  • Launched iPQ2 in Year 5: Students are planning creative projects such as art exhibitions and exploring the history of baking, supported by a bake sale.
  • Senior School Textiles Elective: Senior pupils mended Junior Forest School trousers and worked on Zelda cosplay outfits, providing hands-on enrichment through sewing and design.
  • Orchestral Project: A music project fostering collaboration and creativity among lower key stage 1 pupils.
  • LAMDA and Dance: Celebrating the achievements of Junior School girls who received their LAMDA certifications and dance grades, showcasing the broad enrichment activities offered to all.

Goal 3: Forge strong connections within our school community.

  • Year 6 Performance at Chislehurst Rocks: By performing at a community event, our girls used music to express themselves and build connections with the local community.
  • Community Art Display: Artwork from both Junior and Senior Schools will soon be displayed at the local train station.
  • Open Day: Welcoming the local community into Bromley High School, where visitors had the chance to see the arts in action.

Goal 4: Inspire girls to narrate their own stories.

  • Pupil Voice: Our Pupil Voice champions have been selected and have had their first meeting, ensuring students have a platform to share their ideas and stories.

This is just a snapshot of the many arts and culture activities happening in our school – so much more is going on across various year groups and departments!

We look forward to continuing our Artsmark journey and enriching education through the arts in all aspects of school life. If you have ideas or would like to support us – whether through creative workshops, guest speaking, or student initiatives – please get in touch.

Additionally, if you’ve participated in something related to the arts, community, or culture either inside or outside of school, we would love to celebrate your achievements and include your story in our Artsmark journey!