This year, Bromley High School proudly introduces our groundbreaking Middle School, spanning Years 5 to 8, seamlessly merging Junior and Senior Schools to enhance the primary to secondary transition experience for our girls.

Built on expertise in girls’ education, this innovative approach to education revolves around three pillars: curriculum, pedagogy, and transition.  We have developed a clear flightpath curriculum that links from Year 5 to 8 across all subjects to encourage aspiration and challenge in the younger years whilst supporting growth in the Senior School. This will directly link to GCSE options to give Year 8 pupils a head start on making future choices.

Collaborative projects allow Junior School girls to engage with Senior School specialists, fostering growth. Sisterhood lies at our core, nurturing camaraderie throughout the school.

Finally, there will be a new transition programme for Year 6 into Year 7 that champions wellbeing and focuses on developing self-advocacy and study skills. This will empower pupils to gain the independent learning skills required to thrive in a Senior School environment.

Watch our video: Introducing our new and innovative Middle School

“We're proud pioneers of girls-only education, prioritising a seamless transition in school. Our Middle School, tailored exclusively for girls, reflects meticulous research and a deep understanding of their needs, making it truly unique.”

 Emily Rushton, Assistant Headteacher (Middle School) Emily Rushton, Assistant Headteacher (Middle School)