Over 140 years of
Bromley High School

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The GDST is created
The Girls’ Public Day School Company is founded by four pioneering women under the patronage of Princess Louise, fourth daughter of Queen Victoria.
18th January 1883
Bromley High School is Founded
Bromley High School was founded with Miss Heppel as the first Headmistress. The school stood on a site in Elmfield Road, adjacent to Bromley South Station. The hours of attendance were 9.15am to 1.15pm.
Women allowed to vote in local and borough elections
The Local Government Act was passed allowing married and single women to vote in elections for county and borough councils.
The Old Girls' Association is founded
The Old Girls’ Association was founded with Miss Heppel as a president and Old Girl, Maud Greenhill, as Secretary and Treasurer.
World War I: School undertakes war work and raises charity money
War work was organised by the school and a large sum of money was raised to support various war and local charities. A dozen Bromley High School girls attended the appearance of King George V and Queen Mary on the balcony of Buckingham Palace.
Miss Richmal Crompton, creator of the Just William Stories, teaches Classics at Bromley High School
In 1918, Richmal Crompton’s first story ‘Thomas - A Little Boy Who Would Grow Up’, was published in Girl’s Own Paper. In 1922, Just William was first published and has since been dramatised as a TV series and films.
The Equal Franchise Act grants woman the equal right to vote
The Equal Franchise Act of 1928 granted equal voting rights to women and men. As a result, women over the age of 21 voted in their first general election.
18th January 1933
Bromley High School celebrates 50 year anniversary
Bromley High School celebrated its 50th anniversary with a Jubilee dinner at St. Ermin’s Hotel in London.
World War II brings reogranisation of the school curriculum
In July 1940 the outbreak of war brought reorganisation of the school curriculum. Air raid shelters are created under the playground. Bromley High School girls had the opportunity to be evacuated to Nottingham, along with girls from other GPDST schools.
Bromley High School moves to Blackbrook Lane site
Bromley High School moved from Elmfield Road to the new 25-acre site on Blackbrook Lane.
10th March 2003
The Crompton Library is opened
The Crompton Library was opened by H.R.H. The Duchess of Gloucester.
Year 11 pupil represents Team GB in opening ceremony of Beijing Paralympic Games
Year 11 pupil Stephanie King had the opportunity to travel to Beijing and represent Team GB in the opening ceremony of the Paralympic Games. Stephanie had previously picked up three gold medals in the London Youth Games.
18th January 2008
Bromley High School celebrates its 125th Anniversary
Bromley High School celebrated its 125th Anniversary at the Royal Albert Hall.
Covid Pandemic: the outbreak brings reorganisation of the school curriculum
In March 2020, the outbreak of Covid-19 brought reorganisation of the school curriculum. Pupils and staff adapted to a new phase of online learning.
May 2021
Bromley High School receives the Wellbeing Award for Schools
Bromley High School received the Wellbeing Award for Schools, recognising that mental health and wellbeing sits at the heart of school life.
30th June 2021
The Junior School extension is formally opened
The multi-million pound extension and refurbishment of the Junior School building was formally opened. The new specialist facilities include a Science Lab, a Digital Hub, a light-filled Art Studio and Design and Food Technology room, which look onto fields and woodland.
February 2022
Hockey team becomes GDST, Kent County, England Hockey Regional & National Champions
Bromley High School’s 1st XI Hockey team was crowned GDST Trust Champions, Kent County Champions and England Hockey Regional and National Champions.
March 2022
Senior Swimming Squad secures third consecutive titles in multiple top championships
The Senior Swimming Squad maintained their champions title in The Bath & Otter Cup and The John Nelson Cup for a third year, winning the County Relays and the GDST Trust Senior Swimming trophy.
18th September 2022
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II dies at the age of 96
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II died at the age of 96. Her Majesty is the longest-reigning monarch in British history surpassing the reign of her great-great-grandmother Queen Victoria.
18th January 2023
Bromley High School celebrates its 140th anniversary
Bromley High School celebrated its 140th anniversary with a series of exciting 140 Celebration events, including a Gala Concert at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music and an Alumnae Afternoon Tea.
Bromley High School is ‘Excellent’ in all areas
Bromley High School has been awarded the top grade achievable ‘excellent’ in all areas following our recent Independent Schools Inspectorate’s (ISI) Inspection.