The Junior School was working together last week to celebrate International Day of Kindness on the 13th November.

Every girl in the Junior School had a ‘Pay it Forward’ card in their House colour. With parent support and acknowledgement, the girls carried out their single acts of kindness filling up the coloured House jars in the entrance foyer. Well done girls!

Our Head girl, Emily and the Deputy Head Girl, Sophie wrote ‘kindness’ poems that we shared in assembly. This has already inspired other girls to write their own poems.

Thank you to everyone for your beautiful words.

Sophia Christova – 4B


Kindness by Sophie Barbary

Spread a little kindness
Everywhere you go
Let that little kindness
Flow and flow and flow

It doesn’t matter where you go
Or who you meet along the way
Carry kindness in your heart
And practice it each day


Kindness poem by Zara Ahmed 

Are you feeling left behind?
Well maybe you aren’t being kind
If others be kind to you treat them well
Because it could help you find your kindness
Deep down everyone has a power or strength
Kindness is one of the best!
Kindness helps you help another
So you should use that power
Be kind to others as often as you can
And they will treat you better
After using your kindness inside
You won’t be feeling so left behind
If you be kind for the rest of your life
You will live a happy life