Bromley High School has a thriving sporting life, with a wide variety of physical activities covered within our curriculum and hundreds of girls representing the school each week.

As well as encouraging all girls to develop their skills in lessons in our beautiful pool and in gala competitions, the school offers support to elite swimmers and divers with their demanding academic and training schedules and we have a number of national medalists currently in the school.

Imogen, Hannah, Annabel, Evelyn and Lily won the Otter Cup 2020 for the second time at the Aquatic Center. Bromley High continued to gain a place in the competition, the first heat of the day was the Freestyle relay 4x50m. The girls were placed in the first heat seeding due to winning the event last year. They were against  8 other top National schools in their heat. The swim heats were very successful with a remarkable time of 1:50:91 (Imogen, Lily, Annabel and Evelyn) and not far from reaching the record of 1:49:59. The finals were a strong race with our swimmers trying to achieve the Otter Cup past record of 1.49.53 achieved by Guildford High in 2017.  The final was a fantastic race, the girls showed amazing determination which resulted in breaking the record with a time of 1:49:26. Amazing swims by our Bromley Senior team! 

The medley was next with Imogen, Annabel, Hannah and Evelyn swimming for this race. The girls achieved first in the heat with a time of 2:03:07 beating last year’s time of 2:04:28. Bromley High was on top in the finals, ready and aiming for the record 2:00:76. The final was strong and after a long break the girls got motivated and ready to swim. The girls came on top again and beat their last time of 2:02:16 but missed out on the record. 

This was a chance to hold the top spot for this National Otter competition. We thank Imogen and Hannah who competed for Bromley High School for the very last time and we wish them all the best of luck for the future.  Well done to all the team – we will be back next year to try and hold the title of the National Cup!