Who did you dress up as for World Book Day?

From Harry Potter to the Queen of Hearts, Junior School pupils and teachers enjoyed parading in their costumes! As usual, the imagination and individuality in the array of costumes on display was most entertaining. Thank you kindly for all of your donations. The total amount raised will be donated to the very worthy charity, Book Aid International.

Pupils were challenged with a House Literary Quiz in assembly. Congratulations to Bronte House, this year’s winners.

All girls shared their favourite book with their friends for a D.E.A.R. (Drop everything and read) session – what could be better than sharing your favourite book with a reading partner?

Girls in from Year 1 to Year 6 really enjoyed meeting author Sam Copeland, who introduced his books about Charlie, an anxious little boy who develops a worrying superpower – he turns into various animals at the most inconvenient times. Sam talked to the girls about ways to deal with worries, and then held a discussion about the best and worst animals to turn into, followed by a contest where the girls were invited to vote for the world’s most revolting animal. They had great fun being disgusted by the antics of some truly repellent creatures.

The Library had a fantastic response to their challenge to create book characters from potatoes. Sam Copeland was given the very difficult job of choosing winners, and finally nineteen potatoes were selected – well done to everyone who entered!