The Economics & Business Conference held on Friday 6th October, was an enlightening event for Sixth Form Economics and Business students. They were joined by peers from Chislehurst & Sidcup School and had the privilege of hosting four guest speakers.

The first speaker, Ana Chan, a transport economist from the Great British Railways Transition Team, explored the economic factors influencing rail service demand. In particular, her presentation delved into the profound impact that lockdowns have had on the sector, shedding light on the crucial role of economics in government strategic decision-making.

Jonny Thaw, the Vice President of Communications at Niantic Inc, a San Francisco-based software development company, was the second speaker. He provided valuable insights into the distinctions between careers in communications and journalism, along with his experiences working abroad in the United States.

Hamza Girach, the Managing Director and Head of MEA Investment Banking at Citi Bank, focused on the opportunities within the field of investment banking. His presentation offered valuable insights into the array of skills essential for success in the finance industry.

Lastly, Colin Mordi, the founder of Food Sauce Media, shared his career journey and the challenges he overcame to establish his brand in the food media industry. He underscored the importance of persistence and determination for success in the field.

“This conference left us with a wealth of knowledge and inspiration as we continue to explore the realms of economics and business.”Islay, Year 12 Economics Prefect