How many times does your daughter walk or roll to school?
A generation ago, 70% of us walked to school. Now it’s less than half.
One in four cars on the road in the morning are on the school run, contributing to half a million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions annually – that’s more than the carbon footprint of some small countries! Plus we all know how good exercise is for both physical and mental health.
We would like to encourage you and your daughter to walk or ‘roll’, on a bike or scooter, to school at all times! However, we know how difficult it can be with busy mornings so if you could choose to walk or roll just one day, make it during the week of the 9th to 13th of October, our MOVE MORE Week. There will be lots of fun activities for your daughter to get involved with, all with the positive message that active travel to school is good for the mind, good for the body and good for the planet!
Take part in our Move More competition
Take part in writing a slogan or designing a poster for our MOVE MORE active travel banner! The winning entry will be made into our school banner.
Did you know that…
- Active travel is good for the mind: A survey looked at 20,000 children between the ages of 5 and 19 and found that children who cycled or walked to school, rather than travelling by car, performed better on tasks demanding concentration and the effects lasted for hours after they got to school.
- Active travel is good for mental health: People involved in active travel and those who avoided the car also felt happier.
- Active travel is good for the body: Walking regularly can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%, while active travel helps manage stress and weight. Air pollution can be 3 times higher inside your car than outside.
- Active travel is good for the planet: Another study discovered that emissions from vehicles lining up to drop off children were the main source of air pollution around the school. These levels were nearly three times higher during morning drop-off periods than the afternoon pick-up or active school periods.