On Wednesday, Junior and Senior debaters participated in the Bromley High School Exhibition Debates. It was an exciting occasion as the school hosted a Junior version of the debate for the first time and the younger debaters rose to the challenge with great energy and enthusiasm.

Students tackled the motion ‘This House Would Make Everyone Vegan’ with impressive zeal. Meanwhile, the Senior debaters showcased their adept skills by presenting robust arguments on the motion ‘This House Would Make Greenwashing Illegal’. They skillfully utilised this platform to raise awareness about climate change.

We extend special thanks to Year 12 Debating Prefects Darcey and Emma, as well as Ms. Faupel and Mr. Davan Wetton for their valuable contributions as judges.

The Bromley High School Debating Society is incredibly proud of the progress these students have made and eagerly anticipates another exceptional season next year.

One student, Kara from Year 8, shared her personal achievement of delivering a three-minute speech, which left her feeling fantastic. She expressed her desire to continue debating in the future.

Congratulations to all the debaters for their remarkable performances. The Bromley High School community looks forward to witnessing their continued growth and success in the field of debating!