The new Bromley High School Eco team has been brainstorming ideas to improve sustainability at school, and they have come up with some impactful suggestions.

This term, they are focusing on reducing paper usage and promoting recycling efforts. Unfortunately, a lot of paper is used for worksheets, print-outs and more. However, they are on a mission to find ways to be more conscious of how to use and dispose of this valuable resource. They were thinking of introducing a way for students to view how many sheets of paper they have printed out using the school’s printers. Additionally, they will be adding more recycling bins not only for paper but also for other rubbish around the school.

In addition to this, the team would love to incorporate gardening in the school grounds, including planting, tending and caring for plants. This activity also improves mental well-being, as students get to witness the beautiful nature grow through their own efforts.

Lastly, the team wants to shift their focus to active travel to school. This means exploring different ways in which everyone can reduce the negative impact they have on the environment. Whether it’s taking public transport whenever possible or opting to walk or cycle instead of being driven to school, every thoughtful journey makes a difference.

“The team is thrilled to have the opportunity to enhance sustainability at Bromley High School and we look forward to implementing our ideas.” Eloise, Year 7 team member