Following the proud tradition of recent Bromley High School girls who have travelled to the US to study at Princeton, Yale, Rice and Georgetown, we are delighted to announce that two Sixth Form pupils have received offers from prestigious universities in the US.
Upper Sixth pupil Morolake has received offers to study at Amherst College, the University of Southern California (USC), Syracuse University and the University of California. Amherst College is the number two ranked Liberal Arts College in the US. Founded in 1821, it boasts a proud pedigree of a highly academic school attended by many key political and legal figures including US presidents Dwight Eisenhower and Calvin Coolidge and Kenyan president Uhuru Kenyatta.
Morolake has done exceptionally well to be accepted by an institution whose acceptance rate is only 8% this year; for comparison Oxford and Cambridge acceptance averaged 17% in 2022.
In addition, Morolake has also been awarded the five year Archbold Day Scholarship to study at Syracuse University; this is a significant financial scholarship which recognises students who show ‘exceptional leadership potential and the promise of changing the world for the better’. Her other successes come from the West Coast with offers from the prestigious Universities of Southern California and the larger University of California.
"I am grateful for the support the school has provided me with and I’m excited about the opportunities that US universities have to offer."
Morolake, Year 13 pupil
We are also delighted to report that new Head Girl and Lower Sixth pupil Indie has been invited to attend the highly selective Harvard Pre-College programme this summer based on the ‘strength of her academic record and her thoughtful application’. The programme is an academically rigorous experience taught by Harvard faculty. Indie has recently made her final choices between inspirational Economics and Physics courses to study this summer and is looking forward to spending time on campus.
"As a child, Harvard Business School was always the aspiration, I never thought it would become a reality. I have a wonderful opportunity to spend two weeks in Boston this summer, studying the economics course 'Invention, Innovation, and Markets'. I can't wait to explore the subject in further detail and experience a small taste of university life."
Indie, Year 12 pupil and Head Girl
Congratulations to both pupils on their bright futures ahead.