The Junior School hall was turned into a robot kitchen this week, as Year 1 and 2 pupils worked together to design algorithms and program a robot to select only the healthiest ingredients for a packed lunch!

Sharing the amazing potential of technology and capturing a child’s imagination is an important element of our Computing curriculum to inspire young girls into STEM futures and careers.

The fun started with an interactive virtual show from Get With The Programme, sponsored by BUPA, where the girls were introduced to Professor Trice and Al the Robot. In the missions that followed, the pupils were taught how to plan and design an algorithm and then give their clear instructions to the robot.

It was wonderful to see the collaboration and design skills evident in the teamwork as the girls worked together to solve the challenges. Although the algorithms didn’t always go according to plan, the girls demonstrated grit and resilience to debug and fix their programs. Their creativity in designing and adding in their own elements to make the robot jump, dance or sing was inspiring.