Using the internet safely and positively is a key priority for the school, and celebrating Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity for us to re-emphasise the online safety messages we deliver throughout the year.

On Tuesday 7th February and throughout this week, we joined schools and youth organisations across the UK to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2023, a global campaign to promote the safe and responsible use of technology.

Computer Science prefects (Lara, Alice, Natalie and Ella) coordinated and delivered a whole school assembly on Online Safety to mark the day on Tuesday. The assembly focused on internet usage, harmful content and hopes for a safer future online. In conjunction with Children’s Mental Health Week, pupils were encouraged to connect by taking part in the wellbeing activities and our ‘Let’s “dis” connect to connect’ in person pledge. The whole school community was invited to log off and enjoy more in-person conversations to facilitate meaningful connections.

Our Junior School Digital Leaders ran activities during playtimes to focus on this year’s theme of Making space for conversations about life online. All year groups took part in online safety lessons throughout the week, including some scheduled online events from CBBC and Be Interland Legends by Google.

At the end of January, we welcomed Childnet who delivered a series of engaging age-appropriate workshops to pupils. This was followed by a parent workshop which offered advice and conversation starters to support children in keeping safe online.

By working together, we can support our pupils to use technology safely and responsibly by setting clear expectations and agreeing boundaries.